Welcome to UNRWA Careers

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UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) has created a new online recruitment system to facilitate the application process and   to enhance the efficiency of its recruitment process. You can immediately start browsing the available vacancies in the local and international employment categories by using the left menu of this page.

To apply, you need to create a personal account first, and to fill in your profile (CV). Please click ‘How to apply’ for detailed instructions on this.

When you fill in your profile, the system collects some personal information from you. We will take every precaution to protect this information and we will only use it for recruitment purposes. Your role in protecting your information is critical as well. You should not make your password known to others. Once you have finished using this site, you should logout and exit your browser so that no unauthorized person/s can access this site using your account.

UNRWA does not charge any fees for this recruitment process, and it has no interest in, or need to know, any information about the bank account details of candidates.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)